When choosing the right sporting discipline, nurturing talent, or choosing sports for children and youngsters, it is of paramount importance to get to know the characteristics of the body, support physical development, and preserve one's health. One of the fundamental pillars of the Gold Tunnel System is composed of the medical assessment and the result-based evaluations written by professionals.

Our professional medical team has developed a unique system that is built upon several examinations of anthropometrical and biophysical features, muscle tissue definition, lab diagnostics, collagen biomarkers, and the vulnerability of the cardiovascular and ligamentary system via a genetic susceptibility screening.

By examining the blood coagulation and connective tissue system and the unique characteristics of the type of muscle, we can look years or even decades in the future, and so we can advise on both the short and long terms. These parameters do not change, but their own characteristics can be improved. Depending on the results, we can make a tailored plan and construct a health prevention strategy. That's the reason why the test has advantages both from the side of the athlete and the coach.

We use only scientifically justified methods. This large amount of data is then analysed by even more professionals together. The uniqueness of the Gold Tunnel System comes not only from its practices but also from the complex analysis made by a team of professionals. Therefore, significant time and energy can be saved as there is no need to consult with each professional one by one.

From the analysis of the results, a written evaluation is issued, made by sports medicine specialists, biologists, sport-specific dieticians, and kinesiologists (with a health-related emergency care specialisation). This ensures the professionality of the detailed, precise, and comprehensive evidence which also includes guidelines to be followed in any case.

Our medical assessment service is available in different packages, so our clients are able to choose the most suitable one for them. Customised packages are also available on request.
